Monday, September 12, 2016

Special Report: Moana Merch Now Available!!!

Hey there Disney Fans!

If you're anything like me, you as SO excited for the new Disney film, Moana, coming out in November. For those who are so excited, they just can't wait, you'll be happy to know that Moana merch is NOW AVAILABLE!

Disney Moana - In Theatres November 23 in 3D
Image from Disney Store:
How cool does this movie look?!

What it is: Merch from the upcoming Moana movie! The movie will follow a young girl, Moana, on an adventure with a classic character from Polynesian legend: the powerful Maui. I'm not sure how much of the legend of Maui will be a part of the movie, but the trailer seems like most of the high points of his legend have already happened and he's on an all new adventure with Moana.

If you know more about Polynesian mythology than I do (and that would not be hard) please add information at will in the comments. I would love to hear any thoughts or information on the legend, the movie, and how the two relate.

Image from Disney Store website:
What it Costs: Merch in this collection ranges from $3.95 for a tote bag up to around $80 for the Limited Edition Pin set (above).

Who it's For: While there are items for every age, this collection seems by and large geared towards kids. That being said, there are plenty of items that would be of interest to both boys and girls, so it's not just a "Moana's a girl, that's girl stuff" situation.

Image from Disney Store website:
How to get it: This collection is available online at the Disney Store. It may also be available in your lodal Disney Store, but whether they have gotten their shipment yet and what stock they have will vary by location.

A Word About Tattoos: You will notice that Maui is sporting a lot of tattoos, as are the various Maui costumes and pajamas. Thoughts and feelings about tattoos vary a lot by culture. Some religions ban them, some encourage them. Your feelings may be so strong that you don't want to let your kids anywhere near this movie. Others may be excited about the idea of finally seeing a non-bad guy with a tattoo in a Disney Movie.

Maui Costume for Kids
Image from Disney Store website:
If you're wondering why something potentially controversial is being shown in such a strong way in both the movie and the merchandise, it's because tattoos have long been a very important part of Polynesian culture. If your kids are asking about it you have an opportunity to teach them something about Polynesian culture and history. Tattoos are traditionally significant to different Polynesian people groups and they represent things like social rank and stories. For more information on this, I would check out PBS's Skin Stories: the Art and Culture of Polynesian Tattoo. Even though it may not be your culture, it's always good to get to learn about someone else's.

My Thoughts: I am very excited for this film. I loved Lilo and Stitch and the way it showed the beauty of present-day Hawaii as a backdrop for such a creative, original story. However, I am very glad that Disney is also making a movie that pays homage to Hawaiian tradition and culture. Many of Disney's greatest films, as we all know, are loosely based on western fairy tales, but the company has also made an effort, starting in the 90's, to embrace the mythology and folklore of other cultures as well.

Image from Disney Store website:
I'm very interested to see how this turns out and what elements of the traditional Maui story are incorporated. I think films like this pique the interest and curiosity of children to learn more about other cultures and histories, and I believe that is a wonderful thing. Also, this movie just looks beautiful and so does a lot of the merchandise.

Clearly, I'm excited. Are you excited to see Moana? Do you like the merch? How do you feel about tattoos? Do you know more about the story of Maui and would like to share? Let me know in the comments!

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