Saturday, August 20, 2016

Not Sure About This One: Family Sleepwear Collections

Hey there Disney Fans!

Ok, so, in general, I'm a huge fan of all things Disney. But, every now and then they make something that I'm just not sure about. Enter: the Family Sleepwear Collections.

Image from Disney Store website:
Does this look weird to anybody else?

What it is: Well, these are pajamas that have matching versions for the adults and kids of either gender.

Who it's for: Yeah... I guess it's for whole families that sleep better knowing they're dressed alike, people who are planning to go out in their pajamas and want to be easily identified as a complete set, and... I don't know, probably some other group. You tell me.

Image from Disney Store website:

What it Costs: There are a couple of different Family Sleepwear Collections, but the individual pajamas range from around $12-15 (on sale) for kids and $18-30 (also on sale) for adults.

Why it's a Not Sure About This One: Well... it's just... doesn't that look weird? Is it just me? It looks weird right? I mean, when I was little my mom liked to dress matching with me but, I just remember my dad hating when she tried to put him in a matching outfit and my brother would have rather died than dress to match the rest of his family. Are there people out there who are dying to do this?

I just have a hard time imagining the family that is going to be all in for the chewy/BB-8 look. Also, why those two characters? I would have picked R2 and BB-8 or maybe C-3PO and R2. Why Chewy and BB-8? Weird.

But, this segment is "not sure" not "I just think this is weird" so, let's talk about the other side. Maybe you're a Star Wars family and your kids are really young? Maybe you're going to some kind of family-pajama party thing you you guys will be the coolest because of your matching jammies? I don't know, I'm having a hard time understanding the demographic for this one.

I just think there's no way any grown man I know would look as happy as that guy in the Chewy jammies if he were sitting in that scene. I can totally see the guy in the second picture though. The guy wearing the Mickey Mouse Club jammies definitely has a "I'm dying inside but it makes her happy so I'll suffer through it" kind of smile on his face. That one's more believable. I just don't see the whole family seeing this and being so excited to wear these that they all sit around in a group laughing hysterically... although, I guess if I were dressed like this with my whole family the natural result would be hysterical laughter so, maybe that's not so ridiculous. I'm just Not Sure About This One.

Maybe you love this. Maybe you're as weirded out as I am. Are you Not Sure About This One either? Let me know in the comments!

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