Hey there Disney Fans!
It's Tsum Tsum Tuesday once again! This week's Tsum Tsum collection is Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones!
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What it is: The First and Third Tuesday of every month is "Tsum Tsum Tuesday". On this day, a special new collection of Tsum Tsums is released. It usually includes a collection of 6-8 mini Tsum Tsums and possibly some other accessories featuring the same style. Sometimes the Tsum Tsums released are very limited, so your only chance to collect them is to be at your Disney Store or online first thing Tuesday morning.
This Tuesday, the collection released was: Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
How to Get it: This collection is available in your local Disney Store or
What it Costs: These Tsum Tsums are all $5.95 each. The T-shirts are discussed below.
What's Included in this Release: There are 7 mini Tsum Tsums and 3 Limited Release Tees in this release. While there are a lot of different Star Wars Tsum Tsum collections, this is the first time Episode II has been done, so these Tsum Tsums are unique to this collection.
Let's take a look:
Aayla Secura: Aayla Secura is a female Jedi from the Twi'lek species. We see her in Attack of the Clones as a part of the rescue team that saves Anakin, Obi Wan, and Padme from Geonosis.
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She also has a part in the popular Clone Wars television show. Many Star Wars fans will remember her more from that than from the movie.
Anakin Skywalker: I like to keep my blog fairly spoiler-free so, we'll just say he's a young Jedi with a somewhat troubled past and a VERY troubled future.
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I like that they decided to include the lightsaber for this Tsum Tsum. I'm not sure about that hair... but then I wasn't sure about it when I saw the movie either, so judge for yourself.
Count Dooku: His name is silly.
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He sort of looks like "angry Obi Wan Kenobi" to me. I feel like we can all relate to that friend that you haven't checked in with for a while. You think they're fine and that their life is on track, and then you find out they're in jail. That's this guy. The guy you thought was doing ok, but has actually totally lost it. Just look at those angry eyes.
Jango Fett: This dude has issues. Ok, so you have to have some issues to be a bounty hunter. I get that, but I feel like his issues go beyond that. He let himself be cloned into an entire army and then lived on a really strange planets with nobody but aliens, his clones, and his own, personal, tiny clone. That's just weird.
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I would be interested to hear in the comments how many of us would be ok with being cloned. How many of us would be cool with having our clones trained into a giant army. And, how many of us would then think it was a good idea to live with those clones. I suspect the answer to all of those questions, for most people, would involve a large dollar figure, but I'd like to hear the answer.
Plo Koon: If you're thinking "Who?" you're probably not alone and the picture below will likely not help you. Plo Koon is a Kel Dor from Dorin (so says the internet) and he is considered one of the wisest of the Jedi.
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Like Aayla Secura, he was also a part of the rescue mission at the Battle of Geonosis in Episode II. Again, he is probably better known to a lot of Star Wars fans for his role in the Clone Wars show.
Mace Windu: Before there were Snakes on a Plane and long before Nick Fury looked Furious, there was a dude with a purple lightsaber: Mace Windu.
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He looks a little more adorable than intense and powerful in Tsum Tsum form, but he does still have his signature purple lightsaber. Rumor has it that Samuel L Jackson requested this color so that he would be able to pick himself out in the battle-scenes in the movie.
Padme Amidala: I don't know about you, but I was surprised by her resourcefulness and physical prowess given her life as a Queen/politician. I don't feel like queens are usually known for doing a lot of cardio.
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Again, I don't want to give out any spoilers for people who have somehow failed to see this movie over the past decade, but suffice it to say, she's a very supportive girlfriend. Her taste in men leaves something to be desired, but we've all picked the "bad boy" at some point so, we can probably cut her some slack.
That's it for the Mini Tsum Tsums in this release, but there are also three Limited Release Tees.
Limited Release Tees: These are only AVAILABLE UNTIL SUNDAY so, if you like them, go for it!
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What it Costs: There are 3 Limited Release Tees in this collection. They are all selling for $29.95 each, with a 2 for $44 deal, bringing the price down to $22 each if you happen to want more than one. All of them are adult sizes.
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My Thoughts: I actually really like the designs on these t-shirts. I have not always been thrilled about the expense or designs of some of the Limited Release Tees Disney has put out lately, but I kind of like these.
Confession time: I liked Star Wars Episode II. Yes, I am aware it's not a good movie, but there's just something about it I really liked. I kind of feel like, it's not really a Star Wars movie. If you think of it as just its own, stand-alone movie without the pressure of feeding into a much beloved story, it's a creative, fun, romantic drama. Yes, the acting is not and some of the writing leaves something to be desired, but I like it.
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I especially liked the way it took you to never-before seen worlds. The beauty of Naboo, the other-worldliness of the ocean-planet of Camino, and the impressiveness of the Jedi facilities and archive. In the other movies, everything is always falling apart or has already been destroyed. I really enjoyed seeing the pre-death and destruction Star Wars universe. *steps off soapbox*
Ok, you're never going to convince Star Wars fans to love this movie, but the tsum tsums are cute and the shirts are adorable, so at least we have that.
What do you think? Do you also secretly love this movie. Do you hate it and want to yell at me about why? Do you just love Tsum Tsums and not care what movie they're from? Let me know in the comments!